Trail Ride!


Out on the trail with Canyon – Need to get my helmet straight!

Today we took Canyon for a small Trail Ride. Not a long one, but just a short trip round the fences and through some woods.

We’re still getting Canyon used to being out on the trail, so we borrowed Mecca to come with us. Mecca is the Barn Manager’s horse and he’s quite old, well into his thirties. He isn’t ridden anymore due to his age, but is still quite spirited and is fairly bomb proof. So although he isn’t ridden now, he still likes to go out for walks. Being from the same herd as Canyon, and also being somewhat more senior to him in the herd hierarchy, his cool and calm nature makes him an ideal buddy horse when getting other horses used to being out on the trail.


Mecca on the lead rope stopping to enjoy a munch! Canyon and Phil behind

So Diane led Mecca on the lead rope and I followed along riding Canyon. It was only a small trip, but a milestone – this is the first time I’ve taken Canyon out on the trail with just Diane and myself. Whilst we were out there, we say several deer – one a 7 pt buck, and a couple of Does. Canyon was very good and did not spook.

We didn’t go far – just about 1/2 mile each way, but it was a successful first trip. Once back, Mecca went to have his lunch, and Deb and Midnite joined us for a trip up to and around the back field. Again, this was a first for Canyon, but he was very good and calm, apart from one section of the field, close to what is known as the Spooky Tree, which for some reason sets all the horses off. He didn’t do anything serious, but I could tell he was getting antsy, so it was time to head back to the barn.


Out in the back field


Canyon and Midnite enjoying some grass on the way back

Once back, Pat and Shaggy joined us and Diane borrowed Midnite for a while, whilst Deb took over Canyon. We had some fun, made some progress and it was pleasant being out in the autumn sun!


Pat and Shaggy soaking up some rays!


Diane and Midnite checking out the goings on in the field!


Los Tres Amigos!